Conference Proceedings
Конференція: Basic medical science for endocrinology 2021
Напрямок: Особливості морфологічних змін органів та тканин при ендокринних захворюваннях
Malignant mixed ovarian germ cell tumor with embryonal component: the case report
- Knyazevych-Chorna Tetyana Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
- Kindrativ Elvira Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
- Tarasevych Nataliia Diagnostic Center \\\"Histology\\\", Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Malignant tumors of the germ cells often affect young women of reproductive age. The high qualification of the pathologist in the diagnosis of the tumor process is important, because the treatment of these tumors requires the use of surgical methods and chemotherapy, which do not always preserve fertility. Early diagnosis makes it possible to save important time and increases the chance of maintaining ovarian function and the ability to bear children after recovery.
mixed ovarian germ cell tumor
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